Echo was up at Primary's bright and early Monday morning to get her MRI. Only we had to sit and wait for almost 3 hours!! They gave her Presidex? (not sure how to spell that)but it worked alright with Versed to allow Echo to have a very loud MRI performed on her leg. She was my little Sleeping Beauty for a few hours afterward which was nice seeing how little sleep she gets in the hospital. Then we went upstairs where she had urine and blood tests performed before she could start her chemo this time. All good even her weight went back up!! She started chemo and we hung out all day and had fun together. She told me it was the best day ever in the hospital. I was so happy no headaches, fevers, nausea, constipation, nothing. Oh, the things that excite me now. LOL. Her night nurse came on and she said, "I am in the mood to keep things going and have the best night ever in the hospital." LOVED HER! We had the best night ever in the hospital she was able to get up herself all night long and pee in the commode not in her Goodnights which I would interpret as she was not knocked out by all the Benadryl, Phenergan, Ativan, etc as she was on her previous admissions.
Well we did not get to talk to her doctor as scheduled on Monday but he did come Tuesday and talk to us. Dr Barnette said her MRI shows great progress in the soft tissue surrounding the bone which will make surgery a lot easier when we get there. He printed pictures for me I should try to get them on here to share with everyone. So the tumor is measuring about 9cm x 5cm Dr Barnette said it originally measured 20cm x 7cm. The bone does look worse in the main center of the tumor but we are taking that bone out anyhow. Good news is she will see Physical Therapy this week and start partial weight baring with a walker!! I think she will be so happy to get some of her independence back though I know it will wear her out as well. Nothing but smiles from my pretty little girl and a few from me too.
Love you all and thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers : )
BTW after this week Echo will have two more chemo treatments (which will be every other Monday so that should equal one more month) and then we will start talking about surgery options. I know whatever comes her way Echo won't let nothing hold her back from being the best.